Trying to make a black-and-white idea about carrying cash (coins OR notes) into a more flexible approach. One part of the problem was a wallet heavy with all the coins. It’s more difficult to make and understand rules that are vague about amounts, t
 Things with more of an ‘if this, then that’ kind of flow might lend themselves to more of an algorithmic-style diagram.
 These deep breath cards were designed to be a non-verbal prompt to calm down. Verbal commands and prompts have some problems, like tone of voice and volume, and feelings of sudden-ness, and other things that result in longer processing time. A wee t
 These ‘conversation cards’ had a set of explanations for different contexts: for family, friends, strangers, and for oneself. It’s pretty audacious to go up to someone and give them a card explaining how your brain works, but at the very least, thes
 This was an early one for the school team. Some of the key concepts are: breaking up work and tasks, using visual prompts, using breaks and rewards. The emphasis is still on achievement and being positive.
 Brushing teeth properly takes time! Many steps and tricky motor skills.
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